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Searched for: produce warehouse

Co-op Partners Warehouse – Strengthening The Local Food System

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Co-op Partners Warehouse

Meet Joni, Co-op Partners Warehouse Administrative Assistant & Sales

The Produce Dollar Breakdown Through the Lens of Local

Coop Partners Warehouse


THE LORI STORY At the end of this month we say farewell to Lori Zuidema with gratitude for all of her accomplishments and contributions to Co-op Partners Warehouse (CPW) and the Midwest Cooperative movement. Early on, Lori found her footing with the original Seward Co-op back in the 70’s. Her activism in the anti-war movement,…

Nourishing Our Community

Thank you Tom Rodmyre

Fairtrade America x TCCP Partnership

We envision a food system that keeps all families fed with nutritious foods, one where all farmers are paid fairly, and food is grown in a way that nourishes the soil rather than depletes it. Our fair trade partners are carrying out this vision through relationships with small-scale farmers, distributors, and retailers across the globe.…  Read More

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