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Earth Month: Sustainable Partnerships

Sustainable Partnerships Community partnerships are key to reaching our sustainability goals at the co-op. We value the many local organizations addressing environmental and food insecurity issues, such as Adopt A Drain, Groveland Food Shelf, Peace House, Herbivorous Acres, and more. With their help, we’re able to divert waste from our waterways and edible food from…

Winter Body Care

TCCP Winter Body Care Picks  By Katie Lentsch, Wedge Wellness Associate  The cold Minnesota months can leave skin dehydrated, itchy, and cracked. Whether it’s from shoveling snow, facing cold wind, working outdoors or seasonal sports, winter skin will benefit from head to toe with these nourishing, locally made body care products. Worker B Rescue Putty  With…

Iced Tea Popsicles

Iced tea pops are a fun twist on afternoon pick-me-up during the warm summer months. This lemonade hibiscus tea popsicle is delicious and refreshing! Explore the selection of teas in the Bulk and Grocery departments to get inspired to make your own pop recipes!

MEET ERIN, Quality Control Sustainability Shift Lead

A behind-the-scenes look at How our Sausage is Made

Staff Artist Spotlight: David Huckfelt

From their Fields to our Co-op

Spring Rejuvenation Skin Care

What’s New – Winter 2018

A Healthier New Year